Our Vision

Train those who will train others to grow in CHRIST and to HEAR THE VOICE OF GOD


Tony and I are husband & wife. We love The Lord Jesus Christ and the inherent Word of God. We love teaching others about Him! The church has spent decades teaching about the life and death of Jesus and many teach of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Far too few teach of the ONE whom Jesus sent to us after He ascended to the right hand of God the Father. The HOLY SPIRIT.

Tony and I have studied about The HOLY SPIRIT, spent time with The HOLY SPIRIT and have learned to lean-in to LISTEN to what He has to say. When He speaks to us it is a revelation, a prophetic utterance, or often a dream or a vision in the language of prophetic pictures/images.

HILL PROPHETICS ministry was birthed when our Pastor, Michael Todd, during a leadership class asked a simple question: ‘What do you have in you - that you could teach someone else?’. Before I realized what I was doing, I was raising my hand and was called upon to share my answer.

I spoke in the microphone to a room of 100 selected individuals and said, ‘I can teach someone how to hear the VOICE OF GOD’. I sat down asking myself if I believed what I had just stated. I did. And before the evening was over I would be tested in this belief. A young lady approached me at the end of the meeting and asked if I would help her to learn how to hear from GOD. The phone calls, text messages and thoughts back and forth with this young woman increased my conviction that this is important information and I believe God wants me to share with others..

My husband and I started being asked by friends and other people, not just from our church to meet with them and help them grow in the area of the prophetic. We felt God leading us to begin to do that.

Shortly after that decision our church, Transformation Church, approached us about hosting a new Belong Group (This is what our church calls our life groups or care groups). We told them what we were currently doing in regards to meeting with people not necessarily from just our church to help them learn to hear from God. We told them that if we could blend the two opportunities, we would love to serve our church in this way. The church leadership met with Tony and I, listened to specifics and agreed that we could host the first, “HEARING THE VOICE OF GOD” Prophetic Belong Group. That was a few years ago.

We had just personally purchased an actual curriculum to use as the base of the group. We have since expanded on it as we felt the importance of adding simple, practical, discipleship elements as to our training.

As we prepared to lead these groups, the Lord began to speak to us more and more.

At the same time, we began to have an increased hunger to hear even more. During this time, I ran across YouTube video’s and books from many prophetic voices in the nation. The curriculum we were drawn to most at that time, and the one we settled on was TRANSLATING GOD, by Shawn Bolz. This one was most in line with how I believe the Prophetic Ministry should operate. NATURALLY Supernatural. He is very down to earth and NON-religious in his manner of teaching and prophesying. We love that.

Our first Belong group consisted of about 25 people from FIVE different churches. This group grew so fast that we constantly had a waiting list and ended up having to make it a CLOSED group because it was always full. Before this last session began, we outgrew our home and had to find a new location. We began with 108 group members from ELEVEN DIFFERENT CHURCHES!! We had to close this group as well.

Each session that Tony and I would lead brought with it a new set of ‘growth opportunities’. When you mention ‘The Prophetic’, it tends to draw ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE and not necessarily Christians! We have encountered Buddhist’s, New Agers, even one young woman who suffered under an obvious spirit of witchcraft. More recently our ‘growth opportunities’ have been more along the lines of people struggling with mental illness issues, and people operating from a spirit of rebellion or manipulation. We LOVE people and truly WANT to help them unless it becomes clear they don’t want to accept help from our hands.

What we currently use to train at this point is birthed from the years of teaching, growing, mistakes, re-evaluating and more growth. We aren’t where we hope to be, but we aren’t where we once were either.

The HUNGER that the Body of Christ has right now to know GOD better and HEAR HIM more clearly, is so undeniable! We knew we had to do MORE.

We are now being asked to TRAIN OTHER CHURCHES to do what we do. Because of this we have felt the need to expand the training platform.

So in a nutshell, our vision is to HELP PEOPLE to grow in Christ and learn to HEAR FROM GOD in their everyday lives. In so doing, help them those same people to learn how to TRAIN OTHERS how to also grow in Christ and HEAR FROM GOD.

We have friends now who often share stories of how they received ‘words’ from the Holy Spirit on behalf of someone else at the grocery store, on vacation, or in a restaurant. Because of the training they have received, they feel confident enough to share the words with the person, opening up an opportunity for someone to realize that GOD REALLY DOES SEE THEM, KNOW THEM AND LOVE THEM.

How beautiful it is to know that the GOD WHO CREATED ALL THE UNIVERSE, just chose to YOU to give HIS love to another person who might have never known HIS love if it weren’t for your simple act of obedience.

It’s an experience like no other! An exciting journey!!


Kristy L Hill

Owner, and Prophetic Voice